Words of Life (aka: Yeshua's Plan)
Bringing people together online and everywhere, to know that you ARE special and that you are truly loved!
The Chosen
"The Chosen" is a new remarkable series of stories about Yeshua, being put together into Seasons. The first episode I have listed is actual a Pre-season episode that was played as a Pilot to see how much interest there would be in making this new series. The unique thing about this series is that it is not being made by Hollywood groups that make movies for money and therefore change the scripts and storylines to whatever sells the best.
This series is made by a group of believers and is just as professionally made as anything else made in Hollywood. Their goal is to get this very touching and unique series of videos out to the world for FREE so that the unsaved dying world can come to know the REAL Yeshua! Everyone I have talked to who has seen this series and every review I have seen about it is that EVERYONE loves it and can't wait for the next episode to come out!
If you like this series, please consider donating to the makers so they can continue it and the world can hear about Yeshua and know why He came! I will be surprised if you don't "binge-watch" all of seasons 1 and 2 in a weekend! It is really that good! Be blessed!