Words of Life (aka: Yeshua's Plan)
Bringing people together online and everywhere, to know that you ARE special and that you are truly loved!
How Do I Find God?
I think sometimes, people tend to over complicate concepts. Our Creator God loves EVERY person because He created every person. He wants you to know Him! When we do NOT know God, it can seem like sort of an overwhelming task to know how to start, what to say, where to look, etc..
May I share a memory with you that I feel might help explain what I am trying to say here?
Around 2001, it was a common thing for numerous friends and I to drive about one hour to the capitol of Iowa, or Des Moines. For quite a few years, we collected coats, hats, gloves, clothes, etc.. to take to people living in card board boxes down by the river in the inner city. We also found people on the streets, under bridges, in the homeless shelters, etc...
Well, we went to the house of some good friends who lived in the middle of the hood, who also loved ministering to the homeless, and they told me I should meet a man named Mike who was a young man (approx 18) who also lived in the hood and struggled a lot with drug and alcohol addiction. Mike's girlfriend (Nicki) and their infant daughter were currently living with these friends. A short while later, Mike walked in and I began sharing with him about what God had done in my life, having once been a hard core alcoholic and drug addict myself. He asked me question after question about God and seemed very sincere about wanting to know more. He shared about how hard it was to stay away from drugs and alcohol living in the hood, because people were always offering these to him daily. I told him that I could definitely understand how difficult that might be, and then I felt the Lord prompt me to make a suggestion to Mike.
I suggested that he and Nicki pray about the 3 of them coming to live with me and my kids in Jefferson. I told him that it was a small town of under 5,000 and that he would not know anyone and so it would be easier for him to avoid these pitfalls. I told him that he could just move in and not worry about getting a job because I believed that God would provide for any extra cost of them living with me and my kids. This way he could just concentrate on seeking out God and His will for their lives as a young family. I told him I would do whatever I could to help disciple him and help him grow in the Lord.
A couple days later, my phone rang and it was Mike saying the 3 of them wanted to take me up on the offer to live with us for a while so he could seek after God. They moved in later that day.
The second day that they lived with me, Mike came out of his room and asked something to the effect of: "Paul, I really don't know the Bible or God at all and I have no idea where to start reading in the Bible to be able to find Him."
I shared with Mike that many years earlier when I turned to God, I also did not really know Him or where things were in His Word. I knew that there were 10 commandments but I did not know where they were, so I just prayed and said "God, would you help me find the 10 commandments since I don't have any idea how to find them?" I flipped open the Bible and right in front of me were the 10 commandments! I told Mike, "God knows you Mike, He created everyone and he wants all of us to know Him and He knows exactly what you need. He determines where a person should live, at what time they should live there, and He placed it in your and Nicki's hearts to come live with us so you can seek Him and come to know Him and be close to Him. If I were you, Mike, I would just speak to God, like I am speaking to you now, be honest and ask Him where He wants to lead you to in His Word. It does not matter where you split the Bible open to, He will speak to you from that very place in the Bible."
Mike said "Ok" and walked into His room and a couple of minutes later he came out all excited and shared, "Wow Paul! Look what He turned me to." Mike then read me the following verses that Heavenly Father opened him to:
Act 17:25 He "God" is the one who gives people life, breath, and everything else they need. He does not need any help from them. He has everything he needs.
Act 17:26 God began by making one man, and from him he made all the different people who live everywhere in the world. He decided exactly when and where they would live.
Act 17:27 "God wanted people to look for him, and perhaps in searching all around for him, they would find him. But he is not far from any of us.
I shouted and praised God for His faithfulness! I told Mike "There are probably no better verses in ALL of the Bible that He could have turned you to, after the things we had just talked about!"
And so I believe it is the same for you also! If you are seeking God, I would encourage you and I would implore you to just speak to Him like you would speak to your best friend and be genuine and ask Him anything you desire to know of Him. He created EVERY person and He wants ALL of us to come to know Him! He knows exactly where you are at any given moment and He knows EXACTLY what you need. Don't make it a hard thing. Just seek Him and you will find Him! How do I know this? Because He says so in His Word and His Word is true:
Deut 4:29 But if from there you shall seek the LORD your God, you shall find him, if you seek him with all of your heart and with all of your soul.
Prov 8:17 I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.
Luke 11:9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.