Words of Life (aka: Yeshua's Plan)
Bringing people together online and everywhere, to know that you ARE special and that you are truly loved!
Hebrew Word Picture in YHVH God's Name!
If you will give me just a few minutes, I think you will be very glad that you took a look at this! It truly brings the Scriptures to a new life with excitement when you understand just "a little bit" about the Hebrew language and how it brings such deeper meaning to SO MANY of the teachings of Yeshua (Jesus)!
Many years ago I was led by the Holy Spirit to study and learn the ancient Paleo Hebrew letters. They look similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics as these are "Word pictures" or symbols and "if you understand what the symbols mean" they will tell you a story. Here is an awesome short example about God's name:
The word "lord" in all caps, or "LORD" occurs thousands of times in the old testament. In the King James version, every place where the word "LORD" appears in ALL CAPS, it was originally YHVH or "the Tetragrammaton" (which means Four Letters) also known as the "personal" name of God. It is transliterated today usually as Yahweh (pronounced Yaw-Way) or Yahovah or Jehovah. The original four letters are the four "Hebrew" letters "Yod", "Hey", "Vav" and "Hey". This is the personal name Yahweh spoke to Moses in the burning bush:
Exo 3:15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD (YHVH or Yahweh) God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
So in the Hebrew, each letter means something and in the ancient Paleo Hebrew these letters were drawn as symbols which have meanings. So for example: The first letter of the Paleo Hebrew is "aleph" and it looked like an ox head or like the symbol shown below:
The letter "aleph" is represented with an ox head and means: "that which is first" (as an ox pulls or goes first before a cart), also "strength" (because an ox is strong), and "leader" (as an ox leads the cart). But it is also used to speak about Heavenly Father as He is "First" (the first and the last), He is strong and He is our leader. An earthly "father" is also described as the first, the strong one and a leader in his family or community.
The second letter is called "Bet" and looks like the symbol below in the Paleo Hebrew:
The letter "bet" looks like a tent on the ground and means: "house" (or tent) and "family" (as a family lived in a tent, nowadays a house) and also means "in or into" (as you enter into a tent or a family). Together these two letters put together are "aleph-bet" and is the basis of where we get the Greek and English "alpha-bets".
Also these two letters together give the word picture of a "father" as the father is the strong one or leader of a house or family. The Hebrew word Ab means "father".
Now with that short introduction, lets get to the really cool part! Lets go back to the name of God or YHVH, and see what kind of word picture the letters in His personal name show us.
So as I said, His personal name is four letters. They are: Yod, shortened to "Y"; then Hey, shortened to "H"; then "Vav" shortened to "V" and the Hey once again. Y H V H or YHVH.
The Yod is the tenth letter in the Hebrew aleph-bet and in the Paleo Hebrew it looks like a hand (on an arm):
The letter "Yod" is represented by a "hand" and indicates the meaning: "to make, to work, or a deed" (what a hand does).
The letter "Hey" is the fifth letter in the Hebrew aleph-bet and it represented by the symbol shown below:
The letter "Hey" means "Behold!" or "Reveal" and represents the word "the" in the Hebrew language. It is supposed to give you the idea of a man putting his arms up to get your attention, to get you to "behold" something he is trying to "reveal" to you.
The final letter in our little story is the letter "Vav" which is the sixth letter in the Hebrew aleph-bet and it is represented by the symbol below:
The letter "Vav" means "nail, spike or peg" (like a tent peg) and means "to attach", "to secure" and "to add". It also means the word "and" in the Hebrew language.
Did it ALL come together yet? In the Old Testament, Heavenly Father used His "personal" name over and over thousands of times. The Jews thought it to be sacrilegious to use the name of God as it was too sacred, so translators changed it to the word LORD.
But Heavenly Father was trying to tell us something by using His name over and over. If we had grown up knowing and still using the Paleo Hebrew language, we would see it clearly.
Now, there is one more thing I have not shared yet, in the Hebrew language, you read words from right to left or the exact opposite of how we do it in English, so please look at the four symbols or "word pictures" below and tell me what you see, reading from the "right" to the "left".
I hope that you saw that the Father's "personal" name means: "Hand", "Behold or Reveal", "Nail", "Behold or Reveal"
So what was He "concealing" in the Old Testament, that He then "revealed" in the New Testament???
Behold the hand and the nail!
Just to recap: here is the amazing word picture that is seen in our Heavenly Father's name in the Paleo Hebrew
Our Heavenly Father's personal Name is YHVH.
The Hebrew language is read from the right to left.
Each Paleo Hebrew symbol has a certain meaning.
Hey = Behold! Vav = Nail Hey = Behold! Yod = Hand
So when reading from "right" to "left", we have the word picture for Heavenly Father's personal Name!
BEHOLD! The Hand and the Nail!
Do you think Heavenly Father was trying to Reveal something to us?
The chart below shows you the Paleo Hebrew symbols and meanings of the 22 letters in the Hebrew Alephbet