Words of Life (aka: Yeshua's Plan)
Bringing people together online and everywhere, to know that you ARE special and that you are truly loved!
THE GOSPEL (The Good News)
God created everything!
In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. This included making the first man (Adam) and the first woman (Eve). Originally Adam and Eve had the gift of eternal life. However, God gave them one thing they were NOT to do. They were NOT to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but they disobeyed God. They ate from the tree and lost their (eternal) life. But God (who knows ALL things) knew that they would choose to sin before they did.
God's sacrificial system
Man's sin separated him from God, so God established blood sacrifices to cover man's sins. God describes this process in detail throughout the book of Leviticus. God was teaching everyone that without the shedding of blood from a perfect sacrifice, their is NO forgiveness of sins. But God had a plan to make us right with Him again and that plan was Jesus (the innocent sacrifice) dying for our sins once and for all! Consider Abel's sacrifice vs Cain's sacrifice. Cain offered food and it was not accepted. Abel offered the blood of an innocent lamb and that was accepted by God.
The Heart of the Gospel
After Jesus died on the cross, He laid in the tomb (grave) for 3 days and 3 nights. He died for our sins so that we could be restored to God and so that we could have eternal life back again! Jesus raised to life again on the 3rd day, just as He said He would! His perfect life, His death and His resurrection is the core message of the Gospel (Good News). His offer (or gift) of eternal life is available to ALL who see that they have transgressed God's ways, and that they need of a Savior. We can receive this gift when we place our hope and faith in Jesus!
God restores eternal life!
God already had a plan to restore eternal life to man again. Because God is ALL knowing (omniscient), He knew that Adam and Eve would choose to disobey, and lose their eternal life, so God planned
a way where He would accept the blood of a perfect sacrifice (or innocent substitute) to atone for or cover over man's sin. Sin is when man breaks God's laws. But God doesn't just leave us in sin, because He wants to reconcile us. So, every year on the Day of Atonement, the high priest would use the blood of the innocent sacrifice to reconcile us to God.
God's son Jesus was born
God's perfect plan involved sending His own Son to be born of a virgin and to live a sinless life and then to die as thee perfect sacrifice for ALL of mankind's sins. In this way Jesus was just like the perfect lamb killed every Passover. The blood of the lamb placed on the doorposts caused the death angel to Pass-over God's people. When Jesus died on the cross, God accepted His death as the ONLY perfect sacrifice and His blood as an atonement for our sins (or for our disobedience to His loving teachings!)
Restoring of ALL things!
God plans to restore ALL things as they were before Adam and Eve sinned. After Yeshua raised from the dead, He told His followers that after He ascended He would send the Holy Spirit to empower and lead them. He then ascended into heaven to prepare a place for us. He promised to come back one day and take us to live with Him! He will eventually create a new heaven and a new earth. Yeshua offers the gift of eternal life to ALL who realize their need of Him as their Savior. We then need to turn from our disobedience and obey Him and live as He told us to live!