Words of Life (aka: Yeshua's Plan)
Bringing people together online and everywhere, to know that you ARE special and that you are truly loved!
Testimony of the Tomatoes
So, I have a great friend who was growing a garden in the Spring of 2023. A few weeks into his growing season, he told me that most of his tomatoes and other items he was growing were destroyed by some person over spraying an herbicide called Dicamba. He showed me a picture and the tomatoes had large
black spots and were rotting. He said he had pretty much lost his whole garden for the year.
Lisa and I had recently been learning more about "having what we speak" and "speaking words of life". We had recently experienced numerous things that happened in our life that we were certain was God moving in this area and helping us to grow in our faith, by learning that the power of "death AND life" are in the tongue, or in our speech. I will list just 3 examples of those here for you to read through.
The first situation was that Lisa had developed a wart on her finger. It was bothering her and she told me that she was speaking to it to dissolve and go away. She envisioned seeing the wart gone and prayed for it to disappear and I started noticing that it was in fact getting smaller and going away. A few weeks later, it was completely gone!
A short time later I was scratching an itch on the side of my foot and felt something. We looked and saw a large wart on the side of my foot. So, we spoke against it and told it to go away and thanked the Lord each day after that for my healing. I thanked God each day for about a week, but every time I reached down and felt it with my finger, it felt about the same size. And then I actually just forgot all about it.
A few weeks later I was in the shower and reached down with a wash cloth to scrub my feet (which I rarely do) and noticed that it felt like it wasn't there. I came out and put my foot up to show Lisa and it was completely gone!
The next situation was that we had an Aloe Vera plant that had died and was just sitting on the floor by an outside window. I occasionally gave it some water but it always looked a pale greenish-brown and had shown absolutely no signs of life for approx a one year period.
So, after learning that we needed to keep improving our speech because we have the power of death and life in our tongues, we spoke to the Aloe Vera and told it that it would come back and live and prosper.
A short time later, both Lisa and I had noticed that it started showing a little green fresh color in a few spots. We rejoiced and kept speaking life to that plant. Within a few weeks it was completely green and had tripled in fullness and was thriving!
The third situation was we had experienced was a plugged toilet. No matter how many times we plunged it and poured Draino down there, it just remained clogged. After a couple of days, we borrowed an motor driven snake machine late one night from a neighbor and were going to try it out the next morning by removing the toilet and running it down the drain to see if we could free it.
We had once watched a video by Andrew Wommack about "having what you speak" and he mentioned about needing to "believe" that you have what you speak. BUT we had forgot that he also mentioned that you need to "envision" or "see" what you are asking for "in your mind", as though it had already come to pass.
So, I finally decided that I was bound and determined to have what I spoke "by faith" and by "seeing it" before it happened. So I spoke to the mountain (our severely plugged toilet drain) and told it that it would open AND IN ADDITION I also envisioned in my mind the plugged area breaking up and swirling water going down the pipe and carrying the plug all the way to the large sewer main out under the street!
And as I stood there starring into the toilet for just a few seconds, there was a loud pop sound and ALL of water and contents in the toilet bowl instantly went down the drain and left the bowl completely empty, without me flushing the handle!
So, back to the testimony of the tomatoes. My wife and I prayed and spoke life to our friends tomatoes. We envisioned them growing and multiplying and producing an abundant harvest. We did not go to his garden since he lived about 30 miles away in another town. But we did not feel that we needed to go "see the actual" garden to be able to speak to it and believe. Then we just thanked Heavenly Father for hearing our request and turning the situation around.
A number of weeks went by and I had called this same friend about something else and at the end of our discussion, he asked me if we wanted any tomatoes. (We had never told him that we prayed about his situation after his devastating loss.)
He had gathered numerous large bags full for himself and family and told us he would bring us several bags so we could can or freeze them. The next day we met with him and received 3 large bags full of beautiful healthy tomatoes!
And that, my friends is the power of "believing that you have what you speak!" So speak Words of LIFE!