Words of Life (aka: Yeshua's Plan)
Bringing people together online and everywhere, to know that you ARE special and that you are truly loved!
Greetings and shalom (peace) to you! We welcome you to our website and we are excited to have you visit in the hopes that we might get to know you better! Let me briefly tell you about the name of the site "For I AM Not Ashamed of the Gospel Ministries". This is based on a verse in the Bible found in the book of Romans. It is verse 16 in chapter 1, which reads: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God (YHWH) unto salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." The word Greek in this verse basically refers to all "non-Jewish" people, or to the gentiles in the world. The apostle Paul who wrote the book (or letter) called Romans, was an Israelite from the tribe of Benjamin. He believed in sharing the gospel (good news) about Yeshua (Jesus) with the entire world. At one point in Paul's life, he actually hated Yeshua (Jesus) and His followers. So Paul had Yeshua's followers thrown into prison, and even had some killed for their faith in Yeshua. However, then things really changed in Paul's life! Yeshua loved Paul very much and had a wonderful plan for his life! Yeshua revealed Himself to Paul and then Paul came to believe that Yeshua was truly the Messiah!
Yeshua told Paul that he was to go tell the gentiles of the world the Gospel (or Good News) about Yeshua's death and resurrection and about the gift of eternal life that Yeshua offers to ALL who have faith in Him! Paul did take the good news of Yeshua to the gentiles throughout the world, but he also continued to try to tell his fellow Jews about Yeshua wherever he went. Paul had such a deep love for his fellow Israelites that he was even willing to give up his gift of eternal life if it would cause some of them to only believe in Yeshua and be saved! That is the very esscense of the Gospel, a love so great that a person is even willing to give up, or lay down, his life for another! There is no greater love than this! And that is exactly what Yeshua did when He willingly laid down His life for us, and died, to become the sacrifice needed to redeem us from our sins. This is the Gospel story! My name is also Paul (and just like the apostle) I also am not ashamed of the Gospel story about Yeshua (Jesus) our Messiah! He is the way of salvation and came to reconcile us back to our Heavenly Father! Yeshua offers salvation to all who believe in Him. You can have this gift too if you will believe in Yeshua, put your trust in Him and give your life over to His leading, through His Holy Spirit. Salvation is a free gift given to us by Him through grace and we receive it by our having faith in Him!
Taking the gospel to the ends of the earth!
If you wish to give to this ministry for the work of the gospel, you may donate through Paypal by clicking on the link below.
You may also mail a check to: Paul Richardson, 505 N. Cedar St., Jefferson, Iowa 50129
* Please note that we do not have a 501C3 status at this time, so you will not be able to receive a tax deduction,
therefore you must choose "gift", rather than "donation" on the Paypal link. Thank you for your thoughfulness!